I can't believe it! After almost three years, I am finishing my last class for my Master's. The best part is they saved the best for last. This is a technology class and I have learned so much that will help me in the classroom. Yes, by next fall I should be an official, certified, bonafide teacher. I have finally found my passion in life. Teaching! That is if the student's don't drive me crazy! :)
I have been teaching for the last three years in Robertson County. The first year was a middle school position. I taught both math and science. I dumbed the students down in science...definitely not qualified to teach that. The last two years I have been teaching Algebra I at Greenbrier High School. I can do more in one day in terms of changing the world than I did in 20+ years in marketing.
So, I will try to post over the next few months as I near the finish line. Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over these last few years.
Mercy and Grace!